April 07, 2014


Good posture is an easy and very important way to maintain a healthy mind and body. When you practice correct posture, your body is in alignment with itself. This can alleviate common problems such as back or neck pain, headaches, and fatigue. Being in good general health and standing (or sitting) tall will also boost your bearing and self confidence. 

Being able to assess someone's posture could also lead you to reasoning behind an injury. Assessing posture can help us locate these problems. The first thing one does when assessing posture is look at the person's gait when they walk in. Do not tell the patient that you are assessing their posture because this will immediately alter their posture. 

When assessing posture, one should look bilaterally to see if there is any change from side to side. This includes muscle mass, definition, height of body parts, and any faults in the posture. One should be assessed from the front, back, side, while walking, and while sitting.

This week, we will give you 7 great tips for maintaining your posture: