March 08, 2014


We are all aware of Jared’s incredible transformation from “blimptom” to normalcy by eating Subway sandwiches and the resulting “Eat Fresh” slogan that put Subway on the top of the map.

Being a vegan, I only ate a foot-long Veggie, no mayo or cheese, with mustard and some oil and vinegar, on toasted whole wheat. When they offered avocado I got a bit skeptical because when Quiznos added avocado it was a paste and not what I had hoped.

So, one day at my local Subway, I asked the woman behind the counter if the avocado was fresh. Her reply, and I really appreciated her honesty despite her lack of marketing skills, was, “Yes, we opened the can this morning.”

That got me to thinking, “what else?”

I have come to learn that every one of their “6 grams or less” items contains preservatives to keep it, if you will pardon the expression, “fresh.”

Okay, they make the sandwich in front of you, but behind the scenes they get boxes of already cut up and pre-packaged processed foods, with chemical additives, that are shipped from Big Food factories to all their locations.

Did you know that the 9-grain whole wheat bread that looks and smells freshly baked contains around 50 ingredients including refined flour, conditioners, MSG, refined sugar and more? Me either! How can a bread so processed ever come close to being a real food?

Did you ever hear of a chemical ingredient called azodicarbonamide? Me either. It’s banned as a food additive in the U.K., Europe, and Australia. But not at Subway. Interestingly enough, if you get caught using it in Singapore you get up to 15 years in prison and a fine of $450,000.

And why? Because it’s primary use is in the production of foamed plastics. But in the good ole U S of A, it can be used as a food additive, a flour-bleaching agent, and a dough conditioner because it improves the elasticity of bread.

The U.K. has found that azodicarbonamide is a potential cause of asthma if inhaled, and for people that have sensitivity to food dyes and other allergens in food, this can increasingly aggravate the symptoms.

Somebody should inform Subway that to make real whole-wheat bread all you really need is whole-wheat flour, yeast, salt, water, and maybe some honey. But that doesn’t really do anything for shelf life or the fact that the stores do not bake their breads.

While all the sandwiches contain chemical additives, refined bleached flour, preservatives, artificial colors, MSG, refined sugars, GMOs, and over 50 ingredients, only three contain nitrates. Yea! Far out! Only three!

Those that contain the nitrates are the Ham Sandwich, the Subway Club, and the Turkey Breast and Ham. Basically, these are processed meat sandwiches and the nitrates contribute significantly to disease.

Studies have shown that it only takes about 1.8 ounces of processed meat to increase the proliferation of cancer by 50 percent, heart disease by 42 percent, and diabetes by 19 percent. These Subway sandwiches contain twice that amount. Yummmmmy!

The American Heart Association, having spent 30 plus years trying to find a cure for heart disease, has given these Subway sandwiches their “seal of approval”. Are you sh&#ing me? Pimps, hookers, and tricks!

The only reason the turkey and ham sandwich contains the nitrates is because of the ham. Does that make the turkey by itself harmless? It’s full of preservatives, chemical flavorings, and processed carrageenan (MSG). You tell me.

The Cornucopia Institute did a study, which revealed that once the food grade version of carrageenan is ingested it turns into a carcinogen in the digestive system.

When we look at all the Subway veggies, like the peppers and pickles, they all look so bright, cheery, and appetizing. Do you think it’s all the artificial colors that make it look that way? Before I forget, the black olives contain an additive called ferrous gluconate. Its only purpose is to keep the olives black.

For you cheese lovers you should know that Subway cheeses contain artificial colors, preservatives, and cellulose that is made from wood pulp. Oh yeah, the “6 grams or less” do not take into consideration the addition of the cheeses or the salad dressings, right?

You would be hard pressed to find one organic ingredient at Subway. Rest assured that the bulk of what they use is conventionally sourced and most likely include pesticides, antibiotics, and growth hormones. It makes me wonder if Monsanto could be a hidden partner.

With all that being said and the harsh reality coming to light, maybe Subway should change their motto to,
Eat Crap!

Always, in my refrigerator and/or freezer I have Bavarian rye bread with sunflower seeds (Whole Foods sells it), Amy’s Sonoma Burgers, homemade hummus, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, and fresh avocados. If I need a “fast food”, the bread and the burger go in the toaster and everything else gets added when they pop up. “It’s finger-lickin good!”

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