February 28, 2014


Are you someone who goes by the tall health claims dished out with your favorite instant noodles? It's time to stop then! Contrary to the claims, the most popular noodle brands are high in sodium and low on fiber content. A study by Ahmedabad-based Consumer Education and Research Society, which tested 15 brands at its in-house laboratory for ingredients such as fat, fiber, sodium, calcium and iron has claimed this-

"Instant noodles, were targeted at children and are now being promoted across all age groups as a healthy snack. But our tests indicate that the 'health' quotient claimed by brands is not true," Pritee Shah, general manager, CERC said.

The study is published in the consumer magazine Insight . The brands tested included Maggi, Top Ramen, Knorr, Sunfeast Yippee, Foodles, Ching's Secret, Tasty Treat and Wai Wai X-press. All the samples tested had high level of sodium and fat and significantly low fiber content. "We had sent out test results to manufacturers seeking their clarifications, but none of them have responded to the queries," she added. 

The Sodium content was found to be in the range of 821 mg per 100 grams - so much above the limits set by the British food safety agency. The quantity of vegetables is not enough to contribute to the nutritional content in Maggi New Vegetable Atta Noodles. "High levels of sodium, fat and carbohydrates can lead to lifethreatening conditions such as cardiac disorders and blood pressure problems," Shah said.

The group has suggested that the food safety authority take note of the salt minimisation efforts put forth by UK FSA and ask manufacturers to reduce the sodium levels. It also suggested stringent norms for packaging so that manufacturers highlight the content of their products explicitly making it easier for the consumer to notice.

So, the next time when you walk into s super market and grab a packet of instant noodles, think again - Do you really need it? All because....

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February 27, 2014


We've had a great response for the Exclusive Millet menu that we offer at Divine Kitchen. So we thought, why not? Let's introduce custom breakfast for offices and homes that require more than 20 plates of breakfast. So here we go! We're all set!


Divine Kitchen now offers a Soup n Snack Menu. Rejuvenate yourself with these healthy evening delights! One variety for each day. All at Just Rs.30/menu item! Sukku Coffee is available too!


This elixir from the coconut palm is one of the most powerful, natural antiviral compounds known to man. Coconut oil has an amazing ability to target virtually any virus, including cold viruses. Rich in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), coconut oil absorbs directly into viral cells where it breaks apart and disintegrates the protective coating of the virus, effectively killing it. Take a tablespoon or two daily of extra virgin coconut oil, particularly at the onset of cold symptoms, can effectively thwart the virus from taking hold and running its course.

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We'd love to tell you that our Chief Analyst, Sri will be taking sessions on Tai-chi every Saturday from 7 AM to 8 AM. The sessions are absolutely free of cost! It's totally fine if you skip sessions. The are not meant to be continuous. Whenever you are free on a Saturday morning, keep this on the top of your list. Now here'a a little bit about him~

February 26, 2014


For those of you who don’t know, we're glad to tell you that Divine Kitchen was recently featured in an article on the Adyar Times, primary local newspaper in our area. Next time you pay a visit to the Elliots Beach, don't forget to come to our place! We would love to welcome you with a hot healthy cup of Sukku Coffee!
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Cold viruses tend to put the body into an overly acidic state, which makes it that much more difficult for the immune system to fight disease. But taking apple cider vinegar, a powerful alkalizing food, will help not only kill a cold but also squash its miserable symptoms. Mixing a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with warm water, honey, and lemon, and drinking the concoction several times a day will have you back to health in no time.

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February 25, 2014


Often sold in syrup or lozenge form for such purposes, zinc has been scientifically shown to help combat the sniffling, sneezing, and coughing symptoms typically associated with colds. Zinc is also a powerful immune-boosting trace element that facilitates the proper function of more than 3,000 proteins in the body, as well as the promotion of healthy digestive function, which is where the bulk of immunity lies.

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Another powerful, soothing agent, ginger root is a powerful healer with amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Because it targets stomach upset, those suffering from cold symptoms that involve digestion can experience dramatic relief from taking ginger. Ginger also helps warm the body, which is highly effective at promoting perspiration and the expelling of toxins and other harmful invaders.

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February 24, 2014


Persistent coughing, runny nose, stuffed up sinuses, headaches -- these are among the many symptoms that can drag you down and leave you feeling helpless to make it through your day and fulfill your responsibilities when you catch a cold virus. But rather than reach for those chemical-laden cough syrups and mind-numbing antihistamines, why not instead try one or more of these natural remedies for conquering the common cold?

We're going to tell you 7 totally natural remedies for common cold, one for each day of the week. So keep track!

A powerful soothing and healing agent, raw honey from untainted bees can go a long way in boosting immunity and treating cold symptoms. Its diverse array of antioxidant, antiviral, and antibacterial nutrients make honey an excellent cold medicine that mixes well with other cold remedies such as apple cider vinegar and lemon.

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February 22, 2014


Today, we'd love to share with you the details about the most iconic American drink, a beverage enjoyed around the world and the virtual peace-building in a bottle. Does the word "COKE" ring a bell? It's the world’s most widely distributed product, and is sold in more than 200 countries - that’s more countries than there are in the United Nations.

Ever heard of slow death with sugar? Well, if you're a coke consumer, then that's the path you're travelling on. The quantity totally doesn't matter here! To make things better, we're gonna give you some good clarity about this Killer Drink.

Sitting at a movie hall, or chatting with friends over the weekend, with a glass of coke in hand, have you wondered how much sugar you're consuming? Well then, here's what James Quincey, the President of Coca Cola said about it. No one can give better insights on this!


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Cilantro is an energy tonic that can boost your immune system and smooth out your digestion. Use it in your cooking to get its health benefits.


A favorite herb in Italian cooking, basil's scent can perk up your energy level and it is filled with luteolin, a bioflavonoid that studies have shown to be the best protection of cell DNA from radiation.

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February 21, 2014


A member of the garlic and onion family, chives have been used throughout history for natural healing because they contain a substantial amount of vitamin C as well as essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron and folic acid. In Chinese medicine they are used to clear stuffy noses, prevent bad breath, ease stomach aches, strengthen the lower back, and improve poor circulation that gives you cold hands and feet. Some serving suggestions? Chop up chives and add them to stir-fries or mix in with ground poultry to stuff ravioli or dumplings.

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February 20, 2014


The garnish herb - Parsley is used in a Chinese folk remedy for cooling the liver and clearing the eyes. Parsley is packed with luteolin, and there is some evidence that this helps protect the eye from UV radiation damage and from glycation, a process in which sticky sugar molecules bind up protein, potentially damaging the retina. The age-old folk remedy recipe for vision protection is a juice blend of celery, peppermint, and Chinese parsley, made fresh daily.

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February 19, 2014


Chinese traditional medicine has long used sage to help prevent the loss of mental function that comes with age. Sage has been found to increase oxygen to the brain cortex and to help improve concentration. Sage is easy on the digestion. Cook it up in soups and poultry dishes.

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February 18, 2014


It's the mid-day of the week and it's the "no cook" Wednesday at Pizza Hut joints! So, we're here bringing the facts about the pizza herb - Oregano. When you're suffering from cold or flu, steep oregano in a pot of water and inhale the vapors, which are antibacterial, antiviral and decongestant. This immunity-enhancing herb also settles digestion and prevents bloating. Although, that doesn't mean you can keep consuming pizzas! Have a great Wednesday!

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February 17, 2014


Peppermint, spearmint, and other mint-family plants are considered one of the most versatile herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. Peppermint has many well-documented properties: It increases healthy gastric secretions, relaxes the intestines, soothes spasms, settles the stomach, and alleviates gas. In a culture marked by poor diet and digestion--and the heartburn that comes with it--peppermint can be your best friend. Additionally, peppermint is rich in antioxidants that support good vision and also cleanses your liver, helping to eliminate harmful toxins from your body. Steep peppermint as a tea and drink it a half an hour after mealtimes for untroubled digestion.

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Herbs have been part of every culture and medical tradition since the earliest humans walked the earth for treatment of everything from colds to digestive issues to depression. You may be surprised to learn that the herbs you have been regularly using to infuse your food with appetizing flavors also have amazing healing abilities. They are easily grown in your own home so you can have them on hand to use whenever the urge to cook strikes you. Let's read on to find the healing health benefits of these commonly used herbs.

Rosemary has been used as a brain tonic in Chinese traditional medicine for thousands of years. Rosemary contains volatile oils that help stimulate brain activities and increase brain alertness. One compound it contains, cineole, has been found to enhance the ability of rat to navigate mazes. So skip the harsh coffee and spice up your energy level with rosemary. Other benefits? Rosemary also aids in digestion and perks up your immune system. Steep it as tea, use in your poultry dishes and soups--or just crush some up to fill your home with an energizing scent.

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February 07, 2014


Has there been a moment we ever tried to breathe consciously? Breathing is one of life's most important activities yet few of us think about. Fortunately, medical experts, alternative healers and even the US Military have been focusing a lot of attention on the health benefits of proper breathing techniques.

Mental health counselors recognize the ability of controlled breathing to:
# reduce stress and anger
# improve relaxation
# help us overcome fears
# assist those with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) 
# control the nausea associated with motion sickness

Doctors know that, as we we get older, our lungs loose elasticity and tissue, muscles and bones change and we have a tendency to breathe less deeply. This opens us up the path to pneumonia and other lung infections. And even in younger adults, shallow breathing can result in:
# decreased energy level
# a loss of mental focus
# poor digestion
# non-refreshing sleep
# increased blood pressure levels
# lowering of natural endorphins (feel good hormones)

It turns out that the most efficient transfer of oxygen takes place in the lower lungs. While there are subtle differences in the various different controlled breathing techniques, most center around the fact that shallow breathing (merely expanding our rib cage when we breathe) draws in less oxygen, forces our heart to work harder and actually mimics the body's stressful "fight or flight" response.

Deep breathing (also called belly breathing) involves inhaling slowly and steadily through your nose (approximately 5 seconds), allowing your abdomen to expand and fill with air before filling the upper lungs in the chest. 


Hey people! It's been a great week so far and we're looking forward to an awesome weekend. We've been having some cool and easy tips for practicing happiness as a habit. Let's see what we've got so far! If you haven't read our previous tips, kindly go back and read them from here.

Alas! The end of the working week with the last tip for Friday! Here it is! 

Have you ever woke up early in the morning and took a cold shower? Don't ask us if we're insane! Nope, we aren't! For those who've done that, they know what I'm talking about. A clod shower in the morning totally revives and wildly awakens the senses. 

Just a few benefits of cold showers:
# Improves circulation
# Relieves depression
# Keeps skin and hair healthy
# Increases testosterone and fertility
# Increases energy and well-being

So let's see. After a week of these tips, how many of us actually will follow them! Have a great weekend folks! You can always give in your comments on this blog!
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February 06, 2014


Here we go with the Thursday tip! EAT HEALTHY

We would have heard a lotta people saying this but we never would have taken the pains to deal with it and practice it! Eating helps us feel light and increases body metabolism. Small meals at regular intervals really work out and keep you fit and active. Here's a simple trick! When you eat, take small portions, take time to chew them, relish and eat slowly. That way, you can feel contented with a smaller portion of meal and skip an extra portion of it. So for all those who call it dieting, the term's outdated. How about try calling it "Eating Healthy?"

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February 05, 2014


Hey folks! Hope you're having  a great day! We're back again with the tip for today.

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, all you need to do is click  here  to read the previous post. 

Back to topic now! Here you go! The tip for the
third day of the week - GET MOVING!!

Are you someone who likes the openness and relaxation you feel after a  session of yoga or the sweat and wild relief after dancing? Or are you a person who loves seeing your pet dog run happily in circles as you throw balls and he fetches them?

Whatever movement inspires you, do it and observe the happiness and freedom it brings. And here's an additional tip! Take a short walk after having a meal (especially lunch). This not only helps with digestion, but also instantly relieves any heavy feelings.

Try this and get back to us with how you felt! Have a great day and wait till we get back tomorrow!
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February 04, 2014


Let's gear up with our happy tip for Tuesday! If you're new to this blog and you're clueless, all you need to do is click here!

Alright! So, here we go! HAPPY TIP #2

What you need to do today is gather all the confidence in you and state what you know to be true and real about yourself . You need to ask,
"What is true about myself right now in this moment?”
Let's say, for example, I love myself or I am pretty or I am lazy! Whatever it is, you need to make sure of two things:
  1. It's the truth
  2. If you have any doubts, refer to #1
Now that being said, say the truth out loud a few times to accept  who you really are this very moment. Take it in and believe this and you are free to go! Wasn't that easy? Now go ahead and do it and we'll get back tomorrow with another stunning tip!
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