February 24, 2014


Persistent coughing, runny nose, stuffed up sinuses, headaches -- these are among the many symptoms that can drag you down and leave you feeling helpless to make it through your day and fulfill your responsibilities when you catch a cold virus. But rather than reach for those chemical-laden cough syrups and mind-numbing antihistamines, why not instead try one or more of these natural remedies for conquering the common cold?

We're going to tell you 7 totally natural remedies for common cold, one for each day of the week. So keep track!

A powerful soothing and healing agent, raw honey from untainted bees can go a long way in boosting immunity and treating cold symptoms. Its diverse array of antioxidant, antiviral, and antibacterial nutrients make honey an excellent cold medicine that mixes well with other cold remedies such as apple cider vinegar and lemon.

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