February 03, 2014


How many of us often wonder what it would be like to feel happy, wild and free?
I do
I don't
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It's easy to fantasize about living at a great place, be independent, have wild crazy friends, or even move to a different city. Sounds great huh? But in truth, these fantasies remain nothing else but wild dreams. For most of us these days happiness is something that's put up on the To-Do list! Isn't that embarrassing? That's coz..
We buy things we don't need, with the money we don't have to impress people we don't like!
And know what? Fantasies of escape don't often bring authentic happiness. Maybe during the onset, but in the end trying to create happiness, wild moments, and freedom outside of yourself is just temporary.

Coz when you get back home, all you'll be left with is facing whatever is still present within you. So, why complicate?

When we attune to the small simple things that give us joy, we feel truly alive and wildly happy. We feel free of the heavier burdens, beliefs, and complicated constructs that kept us stuck by focusing only on the “storms" within us.

Who are we to talk about happiness? Here's what we do http://divinescienceindia.blogspot.in/2014/02/what-we-do.html . What do we know about you that we are here to talk philosophy? Well, the answer is we don't need to know who you are or what you do. We'll still figure out on how to help you.

Now, we're gonna give you 7 insanely easy tips  (one tip a day for the whole week) to be relaxed, relieved and totally alive! Make sure you get through all the tips. Ready? Let's begin..

Create what?? Happiness. How?? Don't panic! We'll tell you. The beginning of the week, before you jump onto something, try to express yourself. Happiness is what you make. So, Create it! All you need to do is find a way to express yourself and figure out what brings out the free-spirit in you. Dancing, cooking, shopping, whatever! That's entirely up to you. We'll get back with the next tip tomorrow and you work on how you're gonna express yourself!

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