February 22, 2014


Today, we'd love to share with you the details about the most iconic American drink, a beverage enjoyed around the world and the virtual peace-building in a bottle. Does the word "COKE" ring a bell? It's the world’s most widely distributed product, and is sold in more than 200 countries - that’s more countries than there are in the United Nations.

Ever heard of slow death with sugar? Well, if you're a coke consumer, then that's the path you're travelling on. The quantity totally doesn't matter here! To make things better, we're gonna give you some good clarity about this Killer Drink.

Sitting at a movie hall, or chatting with friends over the weekend, with a glass of coke in hand, have you wondered how much sugar you're consuming? Well then, here's what James Quincey, the President of Coca Cola said about it. No one can give better insights on this!


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