February 07, 2014


Hey people! It's been a great week so far and we're looking forward to an awesome weekend. We've been having some cool and easy tips for practicing happiness as a habit. Let's see what we've got so far! If you haven't read our previous tips, kindly go back and read them from here.

Alas! The end of the working week with the last tip for Friday! Here it is! 

Have you ever woke up early in the morning and took a cold shower? Don't ask us if we're insane! Nope, we aren't! For those who've done that, they know what I'm talking about. A clod shower in the morning totally revives and wildly awakens the senses. 

Just a few benefits of cold showers:
# Improves circulation
# Relieves depression
# Keeps skin and hair healthy
# Increases testosterone and fertility
# Increases energy and well-being

So let's see. After a week of these tips, how many of us actually will follow them! Have a great weekend folks! You can always give in your comments on this blog!
Written and Published by